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What are SYNC "seasons" and "rhythms"?
An annual cycle SYNCed with the story of the world

If Jesus was right, the story of the world does not have to be what it is. The future of the world can change if more of us recognize a series of game-changers God built into the story. SYNC is about seven of those game-changing events, one SYNC "season" for each.

All SYNC's seasons and their corresponding rhythms are part of an annual cycle that goes through the story of our world from its beginning to its destined end. Each season/rhythm focuses on one theme that is especially obvious in one phase of that story.  

Each phase is marked by some huge event that changes the direction of the story from then on. For example, "Life" season starts on January 1st by celebrating the creation of the world. "Vision" season ends on December 31st looking forward to Christ's return, the end of the world as we know it.

The dates for the seasons change somewhat from year to year because some of the seasonal markers like Easter are based on a lunar calendar. That gets complicated, and so does the fact that some traditional holidays like Ash Wednesday are given new meanings.

You do not need to master all that in order to benefit from SYNC. And even if you do master it, do not suppose you have exhausted the biblical story. We are living a life of discovery not mastery. 
Dates for 2025

Life Rhythm -- January 1 (New Year's Day) - March 4 (Mardi Gras/Carnival) 
Roots Rhythm -- March 5 (Ash Wednesday) - April 12
Freedom Rhythm -- April 13 (Palm Sunday) - May 28
Power Rhythm -- May 29 (Ascension Day) - August 6 (Feast of Transfiguration)
Mercy Rhythm -- August 7 - October 2 (Day of Atonement)
Worth Rhythm -- October 3 - November 22
Vision Rhythm -- November 23 (Feast of Christ the King) - December 31 (New Year's Eve)

Holidays shown above are only those that fall on the first or last day of a rhythm season. For additional holidays and info about their meaning in the SYNC cycle, see "Calendar" under "Resources".

Where did these seven SYNC themes come from?
And why aren't love, peace, and grace included?


The seven themes (life, roots, freedom, power, mercy, honor, vision) are seven stages in the biblical story of God's campaign to save the world from itself.


For example, the story starts with the creation of the physical world, so the first theme is LIFE--human life, nature, family, food, music, etc. But humans let the forces of death loose in this life-filled world, and the rest of the story is God's campaign to restore life to its intended unity, health, and blessing.


The story ends with the VISION of Jesus the Messiah coming back in person to rule a new world. The other five themes form a skeleton outline of the story from the original LIFE to the final VISION.

Love, peace, and grace do not have their own "seasons" in the story because they are pan-seasonal. The whole story originates in the grace of God, his inner goodness. The whole story moves toward the peace or shalom of God, how things will be when he puts everything right. And God's love keeps the whole story moving from his grace to his peace. His love ties the seven themes together.

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