Bible readings -- Freedom Season
The Bible is the story of God's campaign from ancient times to today and into the future.
The readings for Freedom Season focus on the parts of the Bible that say the most about the freedom that Jesus came to declare for the world.
As you read these parts of the Bible keep asking yourself,
What does this Scripture tell us about God's campaign to bless the world?
What is the Spirit moving me to do as my campaign assignment today?
God's Spirit will keep giving you fresh answers to those questions. That's how we keep SYNCing with God's rhythm and his purpose for us.
To read the whole Bible in a year, follow the season-by-season reading lists.
For once-a-week readings instead of daily, use the items highlighted in yellow in the table of daily readings below, even if those highlights do not fall on the day of the week when you are doing the reading.
For one verse per day in a weekly cycle, use the Jubilee Cards (see under "Activities" in menu).
How Freedom Season fits into the bigger story of God's campaign
The Bible readings for Freedom Season tell us how God set the descendants of Abraham free from slavery, gave them their own homeland, and later sent the Freedom King to lead the whole world into a new era of freedom.
What does this new era mean for us? How do we get free and stay free from everything that is pressing us down or holding us back? How do we spread real freedom to the whole world? It's all there in the biblical story:
Exodus 1-18: How God set the descendants of Abraham free from slavery in Egypt
Isaiah: How God predicted he would send a king descended from Abraham to bring freedom to the whole world
Mark: How that king, Jesus, brought freedom, died for it, and was raised to keep bringing it
Romans: How that king's life and death broke the curse that had restricted human freedom
Galatians: How the king enabled outsiders to become descendants of Abraham, free citizens of God's kingdom
Ezra, Zephaniah, Haggai, and Malachi supplement the freedom theme
Looking back over all this, we gradually realize where and how we fit into this story, and a fantastic thought dawns on us--God is in the freedom business! He has been in it for thousands of years.
But he has not been ramming freedom down anyone's throat. He allows people to choose whether to enter his kingdom or stay out of it. In other words, he is running a public awareness campaign. The goal is to share information persuasively so that people choose the option that is good for them and for everyone else.
That's where we come in. He has made us freedom agents to draw people in. The freer we get, the better we do our job. So let's savor the freedom theme in the biblical story this season, soak up all of it we can.
If you use the SYNC Bible reading guides for the other six SYNC "seasons," you will cover the whole Bible in a year. The big story of the campaign gets clearer and richer as you appreciate it from all seven seasonal angles.
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Bible Readings - Freedom 2024
Introductions to books
If you would like to leave this site to enhance your study of the Bible, there are some excellent supplements to check out. Regarding introductions to books of the Bible, our top picks are the following animated cartoon drawings with narration (leave this site)
Exodus 1-18
The Gospel of Mark
The stories of Ezra and Nehemiah
The book of Isaiah (two parts)
The book of Romans (two parts)
Another excellent option
The Message version of the Bible by Eugene Peterson gives the clearest and most potent descriptions of the significance of each book for today. These are not available free on-line as far as we know, but are worth the price of the book (Kindle available).
Videos -- short videos of professors giving introductions for ordinary readers
Blue Letter Bible--very short
NIV Study Bible--more traditional "introductions" for classroom students
One-verse selections for daily use
Readings too long? Click here for an alternative for a short time window.