Seeing yourself in the story of the world
If you See Yourself iN Christ (SYNC), what will you see? A new you. If you are in Christ and he is on a campaign to bring a glorious future into being, so are you. He gives you some new gifts that provide a new identity and purpose. These are the gifts:
Each gift is a result of what SYNC calls a "game-changer," a specific act of God at some point in the story of our world. That act makes a specific gift available in a new way from then on in the story. Once we get that idea and embrace the gifts, we see ourselves as participants in this story that unifies the world. And it's a great story!
We see ourselves "in Christ" in the flow of this story. Since we are in him and he is on a campaign, we are on the campaign too. We live to connect, heal, and bless the world as he directs and empowers us.
Seven things you will see in the mirror
All seven describe your positive active role in God's campaign:
A life-bringer who enjoys and respects all creation
A fruitful branch on an ancient family tree
An activist for a new era of freedom
A walking piece of evidence of God's power for good
An agent of mercy and forgiveness
A worthy finisher inspired by Jesus carrying his cross
A movie trailer for the coming world of peace
Why you will like where this is going
If you See Yourself iN Christ, you will like yourself. You will sleep a lot better because in SYNC with him, you are good for yourself and for everybody else.
Jesus has everyone's best interests in mind, and when you are in him, so do you. If there are any parts of you that you don't like, they are usually the parts that are out of SYNC with him. You are destined to be in SYNC with him, and getting in SYNC will feel like coming home, even if you have never been there before.
Your identity, security, and significance
God's grace makes these seven gifts available to those who SYNC with him.
Each gift coordinates with a particular game-changing act of God. As you explore these gifts and the specific game-changer that brought each gift within our reach, your view of yourself in Christ will grow. God had certain intentions in every game-changer, and we SYNC with those intentions. A few examples:
“Lord, whatever you intended when you breathed life into the first human, fulfill those intentions in us.”
“Lord, whatever you intended when you sent the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, fulfill those intentions in us today.”
“Lord, whatever you intend to do in the world when you return in glory, please do some of that in us already.”
The common thread running through all seven gifts is that we are people who welcome the gifts, are changed by them, and share them. That’s who we are. That’s what we are here for. When we realize we are in SYNC with God’s ancient, brilliant, grace-soaked strategy and purpose, we know we are in a good place.
We find terrific security in this identity in Christ, plus a great sense of significance without any desire to boast about it or look down on anybody. It’s like Christ is picking us up and carrying us along with him, and it starts happening long before we truly get our minds around it all.
Why it is not stressful to live this way
These seven roles (life-bringers, fruitful branches, etc.) are not mere ideals or aspirations. They are not a long stressful list of things we know we should aspire to even though we will keep falling short. This list is liberating. As a friend once said to me, "This isn't what we've 'gotta' do. It's what we 'gitta' do."
Each of the buttons below takes you to a page that includes a section, "Why we get to be . . . (life-bringers, fruitful branches, etc.)" The last button takes you to a page that describes the five-step "Cascade of Grace" pattern that lies behind this whole list.