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"Jubilee Cards" about Worth
Minute-a-day stretching exercises that combine the Worth Declaration with verses and prayers

Jubilee Cards put SYNC content at your fingertips in a form you can use for a quick exercise routine. If you print a copy, you can do the exercise to set the tone for your day before you even pick up your phone in the morning.
Or do them on your phone whenever you can seize a window of opportunity--at the breakfast table, in personal devotions, in a one-minute pause before you get in your car, or in many other settings alone or with friends.
Set a worthy tone for your day
The cards help you exercise your right to declare what kind of a day you are going to have instead of letting your circumstances impose it on you. They SYNC you with each seasonal theme as you go through the year.
Seven of the fifty Jubilee Cards go with Worth Season. Let these cards remind you who you are--a worthy finisher in the campaign Jesus is leading.
How to rise above shaming 
That is what Jesus showed us when he carried his cross. In the Roman Empire the cross was a slow, horrific method of execution reserved for those whom the authorities wanted to disgrace as well as punish. Part of the shaming was being beaten, then forced to carry the beam of your cross through city streets to the place of public execution. 
Jesus did that, accepting earth's official rejection of his campaign to bring heaven's power to earth. He was willing to lay down both his honor and his life as a sacrifice for others because he knew this was God's strategy. He trusted God the Father to raise him from the grave and validate him as the Messiah. 
Lots of good things happen when you get that on your mind, and that's what the Jubilee Cards do--they remind you of the example of Jesus carrying his cross.
His example clues us in to God's strategy to break the power of evil and shaming by worthily sticking to the mission God sends us on, no matter how bad things get for us. Eventually evil breaks down and we don't. 
Pleasurable exercise 
Using a Jubilee Card to set the tone for your day is like humming an old favorite song, moving with its rhythm. Then go out to face the day, and your renewed trust in God gives you strength to rise above the not so joyful things that may hit you during the day.
Remember that the cards are not describing your worth as an ideal for you to strive for, and you are not beating yourself up all day saying, "I've got to be more worthy. I've got to be more worthy."
The cards are declaring something that God has already done. Jesus carried his cross. He bought us with his blood. It's over. Our worth is set at the price that was paid for us. Now we get to help other people discover their worth as we discovered ours. 
You can't overdose on the medicine these cards give you, so repeat this one-minute exercise later in the day as often as needed. 
Improve your sleep
The benefits of physical exercise for sleep are well documented. These worth exercises have the same effect, and you may want to repeat them at bedtime. It's a great time to thank Jesus for showing us how much we are worth to him.
As worthy people, we get to shrug off people's attempts to shame us for following Jesus. Neither do we get stressed out by thinking we have to do something impressive to prove our worth. No, our worth is a gift from Jesus.
With or without the Jubilee Cards, we can look back at our day and thank God that we know our worth. We don't have to take away from anyone else's worth to improve ours, and we don't have to worry if they try to do that to us. Those thoughts can't keep us awake any more.
Exercise instructions 
Each card helps us fight evil with mercy by giving us a declaration, a verse, and a prayer
  • The Worth Declaration (same every day) sets the tone for our day, linking us to the worthiness of Jesus and our role as worthy finishers in God's campaign
  • Each verse (different each day) tells us something about our worth in spite of attempts to shame us
  • Each prayer relates to the verse
SYNC with these seven Jubilee Cards and discover a life worthy of a member of God's campaign team.

Seven Bible verses that stretch and

strengthen our "worthiness" muscles

Here is what we call the "Gift of Worth" from Jesus, his example as a worthy finisher. It sets the tempo of the Worth Rhythm.

Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God.  Hebrews 12.2 (The Message)


Hebrews 12.2 is the first verse in the set of seven "Worth Verses" on the Jubilee Cards. They are snippets from all over the Bible that get us started in seeing honor and shame in relation to God's campaign to heal and bless the world. Worthy behavior is whatever is in SYNC with his campaign strategy.


Unfortunately the world is out of SYNC with God's campaign. It often shames what God honors as it shamed Jesus when he was totally in SYNC with God's campaign plan. Jesus warned us that things would get ugly for us too when we work for his campaign. He promised to be with us so that we could deal with ugly attacks, stay in step with his Worth Rhythm, and finish well.

God's Worth Rhythm is very hard to learn, but even before we master it we can move with the parts we understand, trusting God one step at a time. The Jubilee Cards get us into motion.

Print cards from the list below or from the Word file. The Word version includes graphics and is formatted to print on 8 1/2 x 11 business card stock or ordinary paper.



Jubilee Card 36 


The Worth Declaration 

I see myself in Christ as a worthy finisher.

I see this day as a day to remember Jesus carrying his cross, and to live like it matters.


Because he never lost sight of where he was headed . . . he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God.

    Hebrews 12.2, The Message


Lord, thank you for showing us how to totally disregard human shaming. Help us do that like you did. 



Jubilee Card 37 


The Worth Declaration 

I see myself in Christ as a worthy finisher.

I see this day as a day to remember Jesus carrying his cross, and to live like it matters.


Servants don’t get better treatment than their masters. If they beat on me, they will certainly beat on you.

John 15.20, The Message


Lord, thank you for the warning. May we never be surprised or confused when opposition comes. 



Jubilee Card 38 


The Worth Declaration 

I see myself in Christ as a worthy finisher.

I see this day as a day to remember Jesus carrying his cross, and to live like it matters.


Count yourselves blessed every time people put you down or throw you out or speak lies about you to discredit me.

Matthew 5.11, The Message


Lord, thank you for being proud of us when we get called scum by those who hate you. Keep us going.




Jubilee Card 39 


The Worth Declaration 

I see myself in Christ as a worthy finisher.

I see this day as a day to remember Jesus carrying his cross, and to live like it matters.


Anyone who won’t shoulder his own cross and follow behind me can’t be my disciple.

Luke 14.27, The Message


Yes, Lord, we are leaving our comfort zone behind. You are all we’ve got now. Get us through.



Jubilee Card 40 


The Worth Declaration 

I see myself in Christ as a worthy finisher.

I see this day as a day to remember Jesus carrying his cross, and to live like it matters.


Your courage and unity will show them what they’re up against: defeat for them, victory for you—and both because of God.

Philippians 1.28, The Message


Lord, let us not be intimidated by our enemies today. We know they don’t have a chance against you.



Jubilee Card 41 


The Worth Declaration 

I see myself in Christ as a worthy finisher.

I see this day as a day to remember Jesus carrying his cross, and to live like it matters.


Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides.

James 1.2, The Message


Dear Lord, please bring us joy even in our troubles today. Remind us you are using them for our good.




Jubilee Card 42 


The Worth Declaration 

I see myself in Christ as a worthy finisher.

I see this day as a day to remember Jesus carrying his cross, and to live like it matters.


Regard prisoners as if you were in prison with them. Look on victims of abuse as if what happened to them had happened to you.

Hebrews 13.3, The Message

Lord, we remember those who are persecuted for you. Give them your strength and peace today.



Why do these cards work? Where do the cards get their power to influence us?

These tools work for us because they keep turning our attention from our own situation to Christ's example and instruction. "Glance at your problems. Gaze at God." Christ saw our problems coming and gave us these tools in advance so we would not be overwhelmed when our crises hit.  


The cards remind us of Jesus carrying his cross, and that story has an almost magical effect on us. To See Yourself iN Christ (SYNC) means that you see yourself in him even when he is on his way to die for his mission.


Each time we read a card, it refreshes our memories. It puts this compelling picture of Christ in front of our eyes again, and we are inspired to be worthy of our calling to follow him. How could we dishonor a leader like him? He has captured our hearts and we are going to be loyal to the end.

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